By Bradley Wright
January 27, 2016
Read the full article on the Institute for Family Studies blog.
Its election season, and so, of course, we’re talking about sexual misconduct. On the Republican side is a front-runner who matter-of-factly admits to an extramarital affair. On the Democratic side is a front-runner whose husband has been accused of multiple sexual improprieties (and who hasn’t always matter-of-factly admitted to them).
Sexual misconduct is also often discussed in the context of religion, perhaps to give journalists something to write between elections. So why not put all three topics forbidden in polite company—sex, politics, and religion—into one blog post?
I’ll focus on extramarital sex using a question from the General Social Survey (GSS): “Have you ever had sex with someone other than your husband or wife while you were married?” Obviously, this is only one type of sexual misconduct, and it does not apply to people who have never been married. Still, it’s misconduct that most Americans disapprove of. Read more.
The post Extramarital Sex and Religion: Democrats vs. Republicans appeared first on Love & Fidelity Network.